Choosing the Ideal Air Cleaner: Types of Filtration Devices

Air cleaning appliances are designed to purify the indoor air by removing contaminants such as pollen, dust, fur and odours. There are diverse products in terms of efficiency, costs and maintenance requirements so choosing the perfect one for your home will not be easy.

One of the best methods to identify a suitable air cleaner is to evaluate the filtration method. This will help you determine whether the equipment matches your goals in relation to indoor air quality. Here are the main types of air filtration devices installed in different cleaning systems.

HEPA Filter

The High Efficiency Particulate Air filter is designed to remove very small contaminants from the air. It cleans out common particles such as pollen, mould, bacteria and mite debris. These solid materials are impacted on the filter fibres so they are not released into circulation again.

The filtration efficiency of this type of product is very high so you should choose an air cleaner which has a pre-filter system. This will remove the larger contaminants from the air to ensure that the HEPA filter is protected and lasts longer. The main drawback of this filter is that the material does not eliminate unpleasant odours.

Activated Carbon Filter

Activated carbon filters are incorporated into cleaning appliances to eliminate fumes, household odours and chemicals from the indoor air. The filter works through adsorption which means that the pollutants are trapped by reacting and bonding with the carbon. The activated carbon does not release the contaminants back into the air so this is an effective filtration method.

Unfortunately, the filter is not useful against many solid particles like dust, pollen and microorganisms. You should buy an air cleaner which uses both HEPA and activated carbon for maximum filtration efficiency.

Ionic Purifier

The air ioniser technology uses an ion generator which releases negative charges. These attract positively-charged particles like dust and pollen and as a result, the contaminants are rendered too heavy to stay airborne. Under normal circumstances, the particles will fall or stick around the ionic filter.

However, you should choose an air cleaner with electrostatic precipitator technology which forces the particles to stick on a cleanable metal plate. This purifier removes fine particles including minute microbes, but it is ineffective against odours and the process produces unstable ozone.

Ultraviolet Purifier

These purifiers are designed to release UV light radiation to eliminate microorganism by sterilising the air. This will prevent illnesses from airborne bacteria, mould and even viruses. On the other hand, they cannot eliminate solids or odours.

Learn more about your options and get a second opinion by contacting companies like Air Cleaners Australia.
