Can You Fix That Electric Garage Door on Your Own?

An electric garage door is meant to last for years but repairs will no doubt be necessary at some time. You may be able to fix certain minor problems on your own, although more complicated repairs should be left to a professional. Remember that garage doors work with very heavy springs that can be dangerous when they uncoil and snap back, so never try to remove those springs yourself.

Note a few minor repair jobs you may be able to handle on your own and when it's better to call a professional:

1. The door stops at around knee height

This common problem often means that the laser that controls the garage door is blocked for some reason. Electric garage doors usually have a laser that is placed around knee height and when the laser is blocked, the door will stop. This is a safety feature, to protect children who may be in the way of the door and to keep the door from closing on anything placed underneath it. Note if there is something blocking the laser itself such as a bike or your car's bumper.

If there is nothing physical blocking the laser, it may need to be cleaned or replaced altogether. You can try to wipe the outside of it with a soft, clean cloth but if this does not correct the problem, call a professional to have it replaced.

2. The door struggles on the tracks and makes scraping sounds

If the door doesn't actually stop as it opens or closes but seems to struggle, and especially if there are loud scraping sounds as it moves, this usually means that the spring and rollers have rusted and are struggling to work. Some spray lubricant usually will address this problem.

Open the door while standing inside the garage and note which parts are causing the noise or where the door actually struggles on the tracks. Close the door again and then give those areas a good spray. If this doesn't fix the problem, the parts may simply need to be replaced by a professional.

3. The door simply won't open

If your garage is still getting power but the door won't open, first check the batteries in the controller itself. If that's not the problem, this usually means there is a problem with the wiring inside the controller. These wires may have become bare or frayed over time. Rather than risk damaging the housing or any of its components, it's good to have a professional come out and inspect the unit so that it can be repaired or replaced as needed.
